Join Our Team

Bridge blossoms


If you’re looking for an internship or career in the culinary travel industry and you want to improve your skills and resume, we’d love to hear from you! We have different available positions and are looking for motivated people to help us! “My internship with Arigato Japan Food Tours as the Content and Editing Intern was a wonderful learning experience. I had the opportunity to write a lot of articles on exciting topics, interview great Japanese companies and design fun graphics for our Instagram stories! The AJ Family works well together to create the best work and experiences. I highly recommend applying to work here as the opportunities are endless!” – Stephanie Campbell (intern – Marketing department)






We are looking for Japanese bilinguals and foreigners in Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto, and other great locations around Japan who want to be Food and Culture Tour Guides for our walking tours. We provide training, transportation costs, and a competitive payment for tours as well as performance bonuses. 

Arigato Travel is an international company working with bilingual Japanese and long-term resident foreigners to create and guide tours and activities in major locations across Japan. Work is remote but fully supported through technology. Training is included for every guide and staff member. We have created a close relationship with all our team and have really built the “Arigato Family” over the last 6 ½ years. We love working with all kinds of people and understand that everyone is balancing busy schedules as a freelancer. This is a job that can be done in your free time and on weekends making it a perfect side business. We have a 5-star rating on our tours and over 1700 positive reviews plus many awards. We’d like to invite you to become a member of our highly regarded team. 

Working hours/days

Tours and activities range from 3 hours to ½ and full-day tours with the majority being 3-hour walking food tours. We are open every day and will ask for your availability 2 weeks in advance. We tour on national holidays and weekends but close for a short period over the shogatsu holiday season. We prefer guides who can commit to at least 2 tours per week. 

Our tours are within the downtown and surrounding areas generally, though there are opportunities for our senior guides to travel to other areas and regions for tour activities, training programs, and consulting projects with municipalities and prefectures. 

We pay a fixed rate of transportation for each tour working day. Benefits, salary, training fees, and transportation are to be provided and explained during application and orientation. 

What we are looking for:

  • You are a great communicator
  • You love food and travel
  • You have a passion for sharing the best of Japan
  • Organized and responsible are two words to describe you
  • Lifelong learning is one of your core values
  • You are always on time and love to share Japanese culture and Omotenashi spirit with the rest of the world

We are looking for team members with flexible schedules and attitudes. Our team is international and our guests come from all over the world. We would love to talk with you about sharing our passion for Japan.

If this describes you, and you have some free time to help us make delicious memories for our amazing guests and earn a little extra money, then send us an email to! You can read about our amazing team here.










ツアーは基本的に繁華街とその周辺地域ですが、シニアガイドが自治体や県とのツアーアクティビティや トレーニングプログラム、コンサルティングプロジェクトで他の地域や地方に行く機会もあります。



  • コミュニケーションが得意な方
  • 食と旅が好きな方
  • 日本の良さを伝えたいという情熱がある方。
  • きちんとした、責任感のある方。
  • 学び続けることを大切にしている方。
  • 時間を守ることができ、日本の文化とおもてなしの心を海外に伝えることが好きな方。







Nous recherchons des Japonais bilingues et des étrangers dans les villes d’Osaka et Kyoto (ainsi que dans d’autres villes du Japon), qui souhaitent devenir guides touristiques gastronomiques et culturels pour nos visites guidées. Nous fournissons la formation, les frais de transport, et un paiement compétitif ainsi que des primes de performance. 

Arigato Travel est une entreprise internationale qui travaille avec des Japonais bilingues et des résidents étrangers de longue durée pour créer et guider lors de visites et activités dans les principales villes du Japon. La communication se fait à distance mais est l’équipe est disponible en ligne pour tout support. La formation est incluse pour chaque guide et membre du personnel. Nous avons créé une relation forte avec toute notre équipe et avons vraiment construit la famille “Arigato” au cours des 6 ½ dernières années. Nous aimons travailler avec toutes sortes de personnes et comprenons que tout le monde concilie des emplois du temps chargés en tant que freelance. C’est un travail qui peut être fait pendant votre temps libre ainsi que les week-ends, ce qui en fait une activité secondaire parfaite. Nous avons un classement 5 étoiles sur nos tours avec plus de 1700 critiques positives, et avons remporté de de nombreux prix. Rejoignez notre équipe!

Horaires/jours de travail

Les tours et activités vont d’une durée de 3 heures à une ½ journée ou une journée complète, la majorité étant des visites gastronomiques à pied de 3 heures. Nous opérons tous les jours et vous demanderons votre disponibilité 2 semaines à l’avance. Nous organisons des tours les jours fériés et les week-ends, mais nous fermons pour une courte période pendant la saison des vacances appelées “Oshogatsu”. Nous privilégions les guides pouvant s’engager à réaliser au moins deux tours par semaine. 

Nos tours se déroulent généralement dans le centre-ville et ses environs, mais nos guides expérimentés ont également la possibilité de se rendre dans d’autres zones et régions pour certaines activités ou tours, des programmes de formation ou encore des projets de consultation avec les municipalités et les préfectures. 

Nous payons un taux fixe de transport pour chaque jour de travail lors de tours. Les avantages sociaux, le salaire, les frais de formation et le transport seront expliqués lors de la candidature et l’orientation. 

Nous recherchons des personnes :

  • Qui ont une excellente communication 
  • Qui aiment la nourriture et les voyages
  • Qui ont pour passion de partager le meilleur du Japon.
  • Qui sont organisées et responsables 
  • Pour qui l’apprentissage continu est l’une des valeurs fondamentales.
  • Qui sont toujours à l’heure et aiment partager la culture japonaise et l’esprit Omotenashi avec le reste du monde.

Nous sommes à la recherche de candidats ayant des horaires et des attitudes flexibles. Notre équipe est internationale et nos clients viennent du monde entier. Nous serions ravis de discuter avec vous pour partager notre passion pour le Japon.

Si cela vous correspond et que vous avez du temps libre pour nous aider à créer de délicieux souvenirs avec nos clients et gagner un peu plus d’argent, envoyez-nous un e-mail à! Pour en savoir plus sur notre équipe, cliquez ici.



Siamo alla ricerca di giapponesi e stranieri bilingue a Osaka, Kyoto e in altre fantastiche località del Giappone che desiderano diventare guide enogastronomiche e culturali per i nostri tour a piedi. Forniamo formazione, costi di trasporto e un compenso competitivo per i tour, nonché bonus di rendimento.


Arigato Travel è un’azienda internazionale che lavora con giapponesi e stranieri residenti di lungo periodo bilingue per creare e condurre tour e attività nelle principali località del Giappone. Il lavoro è remoto ma il nostro team è disponibile online per qualsiasi tipo di supporto.

La formazione è inclusa per ogni guida e membro dello staff.

Negli ultimi sei anni e mezzo abbiamo instaurato uno stretto rapporto con tutto il nostro team e abbiamo davvero creato la “Famiglia Arigato”. Amiamo lavorare con tutti i tipi di persone e capiamo perfettamente che lavorando freelance si cerca di bilanciare i vari impegni. Questo è un impiego part-time che può essere svolto nel tempo libero e nei fine settimana, rendendolo un perfetto lavoro secondario. Abbiamo una valutazione a 5 stelle sui nostri tour e oltre 1700 recensioni positive e molti premi.

Entra a far parte del nostro team!


Orario/giorni di lavoro:


I tour e le attività variano da una durata di 3 ore a ½ o intera giornata, con la maggior parte dei tour gastronomici di  una durata di 3 ore. Lavoriamo tutti i giorni e chiediamo la tua disponibilità con 2 settimane di anticipo. Organizziamo tour anche nei giorni festivi e nei fine settimana, ma chiudiamo per un breve periodo durante le vacanze invernali dello Oshogatsu. 

Preferiamo guide che possono impegnarsi in almeno 2 tour a settimana.

I nostri tour si svolgono generalmente nel centro città e dintorni, ma le nostre guide esperte hanno anche la possibilità di viaggiare in altre aree e regioni per attività turistiche, programmi di formazione e progetti di consulenza con comuni e prefetture.

Paghiamo una tariffa fissa di trasporto per ogni tour. 

Vantaggi, stipendio e spese di trasporto saranno spiegati durante il colloquio e l’orientamento.


Chi stiamo cercando:


  • Sei un grande comunicatore.
  • Ami il cibo e viaggiare.
  • Ami condividere il meglio del Giappone.
  • Sei organizzato e responsabile.
  • L’apprendimento continuo è uno dei tuoi valori fondamentali.
  • Sei sempre puntuale e ami condividere la cultura giapponese e lo spirito Omotenashi con il resto del mondo.


Cerchiamo candidati con orari e mentalità flessibili. Il nostro team è internazionale e i nostri clienti provengono da tutto il mondo. 

Ci piacerebbe parlare con te e condividere la nostra passione per il Giappone.


Se ti rivedi in questa descrizione e hai del tempo libero per aiutarci a creare fantastici ricordi con i nosti clienti e guadagnare un po’ di soldi extra, allora inviaci un’e-mail a ! Per saperne di più sul nostro team, clicca qui.




Estamos buscando japoneses bilingues y extranjeros interesados en ser Guía de Turistas para nuestros populares Tours Culinarios y Culturales. en Osaka, Kyoto y otras areas de Japón. Te ofrecemos capacitatión pagada, gastos de transporte, un pago competitivo por cada tour realizado y bonos por buen desempeño.

Arigato Travel es una compañía internacional integrada por japoneses bilingues y extranjeros residentes de largo plazo. Trabajamos juntos para crear y guiar tours y otras actividades en diversos lugares del país. No tienes que acudir a ninguna oficina pues contamos con la tecnología necesaria para trabajar de forma remota. Sin embargo, mantenemos siempre una relación cercana con nuestro equipo de trabajo al cual llamamos la “Familia Arigato”.

Nos gusta trabajar y apoyar a freelancers que buscan añadir una opción de trabajo flexible a sus horarios cambiantes, pues puedes guiar nuestros tours en tu tiempo libre o fines de semana y generar una entrada extra de dinero al mes. Tenemos una calificación de 5 Estrellas en nuestros tours y más de 1,700 reseñas positivas, además de varios premios por nuestra labor en el ámbito turístico, culinario y cultural.   

Horas y días de trabajo:

El rango de duración de nuestros tours y actividades es de 3 horas o de ½ día. Estamos activos todos los días, incluyendo Días Festivos y Fines de Semana; sin embargo, cerramos por un pequeño periodo de tiempo durante las festividades de fin de año.                                           

Damos preferencia a las personas que pueden atender nuestros tours por lo mínimo dos veces a la semana, y siempre solicitaremos tu disponibilidad de ser posible, dos semanas por anticipado. 

Nuestros tours se llevan a cabo generalmente en el centro de la ciudad, sin embargo, en eventualmente surgiran oportunidades para para viajar a otras regiones de Japón en actividades turísticas, sesiones de capacitación, y proyectos de asesoria con las oficinas de turismo de diversas prefecturas. 

Ofrecemos una cuota fija para gastos de transporte, pago por cada tour realizado, y otros beneficios que se detallarán más ampliameente durante la capacitación.

Lo que estamos buscando:

  • Buenos comunicadores
  • Amantes de la comida y los viajes
  • Apasionado por mostrar lo mejor de Japón
  • Sumamente Responsable, Puntual y Organizado.
  • Apasionado por aprender cosas nuevas todos los días.
  • Comprendes el concepto y valor del Omotenashi en Japón.

Si estas interesado no esperes más y contáctanos enviando un correo a: Si quieres conocer más acerca de nosotros y nuestro excelente equipo de trabajo, echa un vistazo aquí

Marketing for Corporate Team Building INTERNSHIP

Looking for an internship in an international company? Interested in working in HR corporate community development or leadership management? We’re looking for a person who can help us to take care of the marketing and content tasks for our newest brand Arigato Team Building (help us grow our social media channels, marketing documents, and promotional content creation, etc.).  Bilingual Level English and editing skills are required. This is a remote position, so you can be based anywhere but should be able to communicate online with our team in Japan. You will need a computer, a good internet connection and should possess strong communication and organizational skills.

Schedule 10 hours a week minimum, for 3 months or more, remote. We have a completion bonus for successful program candidates. Finish your 3-month internship and receive an honorarium of ¥30,000 yen (6 months program bonus of ¥50,000). For successful completion, we will also be happy to write a recommendation report and letters and certificate for your future job search portfolio, and during the experience, our goal is to help you improve your skills and resume for future opportunities.

Please contact us at if you’re interested. A minimum of 3 months is required.


WordPress and website content for Culinary Tourism INTERNSHIP

If you have some free time and want to improve your skills and resume, this internship is for you.
We’re looking for an Intern who can help us to build our new website in WordPress, as well as writing some content.
English and WordPress skills are required. This is a remote position, so you can be based anywhere but should be able to communicate online with our team in Japan. You will need a computer, a good internet connection and should possess strong communication and organizational skills.

Schedule 10 hours a week minimum, for 3 months or more, remote. We have a completion bonus for successful program candidates. Finish your 3-month internship and receive an honorarium of ¥30,000 yen (6 months program bonus of ¥50,000). For successful completion, we will also be happy to write a recommendation report and letters and certificate for your future job search portfolio and during the experience, our goal is to help you improve your skills and resume for future opportunities.

Please contact us at if you’re interested. Please share about your WordPress experience. 3 and 6 months internships are available.

Graphic Design INTERNSHIP

Do you love food, travel and learning new things? If you have some free time and want to improve your skills and resume, this internship is for you. We’re looking for a Intern who can help us with graphic design (make marketing assets, assets for social media, etc.). We’re working with someone who is studying in the graphic design field and has basic expertise already and we will give you an opportunity for exposure and building your portfolio.
This is a remote position, so you can be based anywhere but should be able to communicate online with our team in Japan. You will need a computer, a good internet connection and should possess strong communication and organizational skills. Our team communicates in English, Japanese is not required for this position.

Schedule 10 hours a week minimum, for 3 months or more, remote. We have a completion bonus for successful program candidates. Finish your 3-month internship and receive an honorarium of ¥30,000 yen (6 months program bonus of ¥50,000). For successful completion, we will also be happy to write a recommendation report and letters and certificate for your future job search portfolio and during the experience, our goal is to help you improve your skills and resume for future opportunities.

Please contact us at if you’re interested, including your resume and two or three examples of your work. 3 and 6 months internships are available.


Content and Editing for Culinary Tourism INTERNSHIP

Do you love food, travel and learning new things? If you have some free time and want to improve your skills and resume, this internship is for you.
We’re looking for an Intern who can help us to edit some content in English (all kinds of texts including marketing texts, social media posts, etc.), as well as other marketing and content support tasks.
Native Level English and editing skills are required. This is a remote position, so you can be based anywhere but should be able to communicate online with our team in Japan. You will need a computer, a good internet connection and should possess strong communication and organizational skills.

Schedule 10 hours a week minimum, for 3 months or more, remote. We have a completion bonus for successful program candidates. Finish your 3-month internship and receive an honorarium of ¥30,000 yen (6 months program bonus of ¥50,000). For successful completion, we will also be happy to write a recommendation report and letters and certificate for your future job search portfolio, and during the experience, our goal is to help you improve your skills and resume for future opportunities.

Please contact us at if you’re interested. Please share a writing sample and we will send just a text sample to edit to confirm your skills before we begin. 3 and 6 months internships are available.

Japanese bilingual content and translation INTERNSHIP

** Japanese follows**
You are Japanese/English bilingual, you love food, travel and learning new things? If you have some free time and want to improve your skills and resume, this internship is for you.
We’re looking for an Intern who can help us to translate some content from English to Japanese (all kinds of texts including marketing texts, social media posts, etc.), as well as other marketing and content support tasks.
Native Level Japanese is required. This is a remote position, so you can be based anywhere but should be able to communicate online with our team in Japan. You will need a computer, a good internet connection and should possess strong communication and organizational skills.

Schedule 10 hours a week minimum, for 3 months or more, remote. We have a completion bonus for successful program candidates. Finish your 3-month internship and receive an honorarium of ¥30,000 yen (6 months program bonus of ¥50,000). For successful completion, we will also be happy to write a recommendation report and letters and certificate for your future job search portfolio, and during the experience, our goal is to help you improve your skills and resume for future opportunities.

Please contact us at if you’re interested. Please share a writing sample and we will send just a text sample to translate to confirm your skills before we begin.





Do you love food, travel and learning new things? We’re looking for a Social Media Intern who can help us to take care of our Pinterest account and also help us with discussion groups (Reddit, Quora, etc) as well as other marketing and content support tasks. We are also looking for someone to help us to build up new social areas for us like Youtube and Tiktok (Strategy and research). Bilingual Level English and editing skills are required. This is a remote position, so you can be based anywhere but should be able to communicate online with our team in Japan. You will need a computer, a good internet connection and should possess strong communication and organizational skills.

Schedule 10 hours a week, remote. We have a completion bonus for successful program candidates. Finish your 3-month internship and receive an honorarium of ¥30,000 yen (6 months program bonus of ¥50,000). For successful completion, we will also be happy to write a recommendation report and letters and certificate for your future job search portfolio, and during the experience, our goal is to help you improve your skills and resume for future opportunities.
Please contact us at if you’re interested. You must have social media experience (even on your own profiles) and some simple graphic design skills will be helpful. 3 and 6 months internships are available.

Video Editing INTERNSHIP

Do you love food, travel and learning new things? We’re looking for a Video Editing Intern who can help us to create video content for marketing purposes (we will use them for Youtube, Instagram, SNS and to send to our partners), as well as other creative content support tasks.

This is a remote position, so you can be based anywhere but should be able to communicate online with our team in Japan. You will need a computer, a good internet connection and should possess strong communication and organizational skills and video editing experience.

Schedule 10 hours a week, remote. We have a completion bonus for successful program candidates. Finish your 3-month internship and receive an honorarium of ¥30,000 yen (6 months program bonus of ¥50,000). For successful completion, we will also be happy to write a recommendation report and letters and certificate for your future job search portfolio, and during the experience, our goal is to help you improve your skills and resume for future opportunities.

Please contact us at and send us your previous work if you’re interested. You must have video editing experience (even on your own). 3 and 6 months internships are available.

PASANTÍA Creador de Continido de Turismo Culinario – En Español

¿Te gusta la comida, viajar y aprender cosas nuevas?
¡Si tienes tiempo libre y quieres mejorar tus habilidades y currículum esta pasantía es para tí!

Buscamos Internos que puedan ayudarnos a producir contenido en Español, en la pasantía también nos ayudarás con otras tareas de marketing y contenido para redes sociales.

Requerimos un nivel nativo de Español, el puesto es remoto y por 10 horas a la semana por periodos de 3 o 6 meses. El puesto es totalmente remoto por lo que puedes estár trabajando con nosotros desde cualquier lugar del mundo junto con nuestro equipo en Japón. Solo necesitas una computadora, una buena conexión a internet y buenas habilidades de comunicación y organización. La pasantía no es pagada, pero ofrecemos cartas de recomendación y reporte de las actividades completadas durante la pasantía, también es una excelente oportunidad para ganar experiencia, lo cual te dará un mejor currículum para tus futuros trabajos.

Para aplicar solo te pedimos un pequeño artículo de tu autoría y después te enviaremos un texto simple que tendrás que editar para comprobar tus habilidades antes de comenzar.

Contáctanos a




At Arigato Japan, we think that “food is life”. It is also the easiest way to get to know another country and culture. Our blog is an opportunity for us and our writers to share our love for Japan and the wonderful food it has to offer.


Do you love Japanese food and culture and have strong writing skills in English or Spanish? Do you want to make some extra money? If you do, we are currently looking for content creators around Japan who would like to contribute to Arigato Japan’s blog and write about Japanese food, drinks, and culture. We already have some ideas in mind but we are also open to listening to your ideas. So please feel free to pitch us a story you would like to write about!


We pay as follows for pieces based on the length agreed upon at the time of each assignment:

500-700 words ¥3000
700-1000 words ¥4000
1000-1500 words ¥5000


If this describes you, and you have some free time to help us create awesome, appealing and original content, e-mail us at ! You can read our latest blog posts here.

Arigato Travel Logo
Land Operator and Tokyo Metropolitan Government Registered Travel Agency No. 2-8620
TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence, Traveler's Choice
Accreditation Reference Badges