Akihabara is now known all over the world as the electronic district of Tokyo. Legends and Stories Surround the Name In 1869, in Tokyo, a fire ravaged a part of the city including the Akihabara district. There was a shrine near Ueno which was named Akiba. […]
There are many unique restaurants, parks, and themed cafes in Japan. These days, manga and anime are growing popular all around the world, so in order to cater to these fans, anime-themed cafes have been opening all over Japan! I can only imagine how much you […]
Otaku in Japanese is the word used to refer to people that are hardcore fans of something and have a deep knowledge of it. It is commonly used to refer to the people that are fans of anime and manga, but can also cover the fans […]
You may have seen Japanese anime as a child and, like myself, have been mesmerized by the food that the characters ate. It seemed so otherworldly, a far cry from the lunch meat sandwiches my mum used to make me for school. The thing was - I had no clue what any of it was! I’d never seen them in real life before…