
Featured image for Things To Do In Tokyo in July 2024

Things To Do In Tokyo in July 2024

July 1, 2024
BY Amit Manjaramkar

July is a great time to be in Tokyo, especially if you want to attend Japanese festivals. Despite being the peak time for heat and the occasional rain, it’s still quite a pleasant experience to travel and explore the city. It’s the time when the city […]

Featured image for Things to do in Kyoto in July 2024

Things to do in Kyoto in July 2024

June 30, 2024
BY Madhuri Nagaraja

Kyoto is a wonderful and magical city where modernity dances alongside traditions. Walking through the city will make you feel as if you have time traveled, with modern-style architecture on one side, and historical shrines and alleyways on the other. In other words, whenever you go […]

Featured image for Things to do in July 2024 in Osaka

Things to do in July 2024 in Osaka

June 29, 2024
BY Maddy Vandelden

Osaka is bursting with excitement - especially in July! There are many activities to fill your summer in Japan with unforgettable experiences. Start your adventure by exploring the iconic Osaka Castle, where you can enjoy stunning views from the top and amazing architecture. For a day […]

Featured image for Things to do in Tokyo in June 2024

Things to do in Tokyo in June 2024

May 31, 2024
BY John Paul Pitt

The capital city of Japan is a bustling metropolis with vibrant landscapes and a rich cultural tapestry. June is the month of festivals and parades, honoring century-old traditions as well as the beginning of new traditions and celebrations. Let's see what exciting events June has to […]

Featured image for Things to do in Kyoto in June 2024

Things to do in Kyoto in June 2024

May 29, 2024
BY Amit Manjaramkar

With its numerous world-famous sightseeing spots, Kyoto is high on everybody’s list of places to visit in Japan. The mountains of the area have given rise to some of Japan’s most famous legends, and even today Kyoto is deeply influenced by ancient tradition and culture. It […]

Featured image for Things to do in Osaka in June 2024

Things to do in Osaka in June 2024

May 27, 2024
BY Mythi Tran

Welcome to our guide on exploring Osaka in June 2024! As the vibrant heartbeat of Japan's Kansai region, Osaka offers a blend of traditional culture, modern marvels, and culinary delights. June brings a variety of experiences, from lively eats to serene garden strolls, promising an unforgettable […]

Featured image for Things to do in Kyoto in May 2024

Things to do in Kyoto in May 2024

April 30, 2024
BY Diego Lopes

Planning your visit to Japan's old capital around May this year? Lucky you! This month is one of the best times to be in Kyoto! Once the wintry winds have completely vanished, cozier weather - but still a long way off from the summer heat - […]

Featured image for Things to do in Osaka in May 2024

Things to do in Osaka in May 2024

April 28, 2024
BY John Paul Pitt

Festival season is year-round in Japan, especially in the bustling Osaka city. Osaka is the largest city in the Kansai region and has been a focal point for Japan’s economy and culture for centuries. Osaka has it all, friendly and outgoing people, local peculiarities and festivities, […]

Featured image for THINGS TO DO IN TOKYO IN MAY 2024


April 26, 2024
BY Amit Manjaramkar

The end of April and the start of May is part of Golden Week in Japan. Many Japanese citizens and residents use this time to travel, and as a result, many spots are likely to be crowded, and many local businesses may be closed. However, the […]

Featured image for Hana Matsuri: Celebrating The Buddha’s Birthday

Hana Matsuri: Celebrating The Buddha’s Birthday

March 31, 2024
BY Amit Manjaramkar

Hana Matsuri is a celebration held across Japan to rejoice in the birth of the Buddha. The actual name for the birthday celebration is Kanbutsue, and different Buddhist nations celebrate the birthday on different dates. However, in Japan, the celebrations are held on April 8th, the […]