japan guide

Featured image for GET TO KNOW OUR GUIDES: Interview with Sae, the Multifaceted Kyoto Tour Guide

GET TO KNOW OUR GUIDES: Interview with Sae, the Multifaceted Kyoto Tour Guide

July 25, 2023
BY Louis Aubourg

Today we’d like to introduce you to one of our team members, Sae, who has taken an unconventional career path in the heart of Japan. From being a makeup artist to evolving into a cultural guide, Sae's journey is marked by rich experiences and passion for […]

Featured image for Expats in Japan – Interview with Alex from Arigato Travel

Expats in Japan – Interview with Alex from Arigato Travel

September 29, 2022
BY Sarah Roach

Today I want to introduce you to Alex, one of our foreign Tour Guides, and our HR and Training Manager here at Arigato Travel. Many of us wonder why foreigners decide to come live in Japan. Despite having interviewed expats in Japan before on our blog, […]

Featured image for Japanese Food Guide Interview – Learn more about Jessica and her Foodie Blog

Japanese Food Guide Interview – Learn more about Jessica and her Foodie Blog

September 4, 2021
BY Sarah Roach

Today we’re happy to introduce you to Jessica, a huge fan of Japan and its food! Let's learn more about her and her “Japanese Food Guide” project.  1. Hello Jessica. We are very thankful for your time today! Being such food lovers ourselves, we are excited […]

Featured image for Let’s meet Abby, Author of the “Cool Tokyo Guide”

Let’s meet Abby, Author of the “Cool Tokyo Guide”

December 23, 2020
BY Jessica Iragne

Many of us are dreaming of travel for 2021 so today we’re happy to introduce you to Abby, author of the “Cool Tokyo Guide” and “Cool Japan Guide” which are super fun,  fully-illustrated travel guides…