Jun 14, 2022
BY Shalini Sookoo
When you think of Japan, what comes to mind? The food of course (it would be a crime if this wasn’t first on the list), the sights, the culture, the people. Let’s narrow it down further shall we? Where in Japan would be the top of your list to experience all of this? If you said Tokyo or Kyoto, they’re definitely two of the best places to explore. But have you ever thought about Okinawa? No? Maybe? Well, let’s see if I can entice you to take a trip to Okinawa with these six articles!
First on our list we have “Okinawan Food Culture From Hospitality to Well-Being” from Kokoro Care Packages! Short but sweet, this article introduces you to the delectable food specific to Okinawa and also gives a brief heavenly description of the geography. This is definitely one article you need to check out before your trip! And here’s an extra treat: If you want to sample Okinawa before your trip then head on over to Kokoro Care Packages and have a look at their Special Okinawa Box for July!
Next up on our journey is “A Taste of Okinawa to Bring Home”! Now we all know that we can’t travel without bringing back souvenirs. And what’s a better way of bringing a slice of Okinawa back home than with goodies? This article provides nine (9) delicious treats to share with your friends and family back home. If you’re into handmade crafts, read until the end for non-consumable but very beautiful souvenir ideas!
The Travel Girl: Signature Okinawan Food – What You Should Eat!
The Travel Girl’s “Signature Okinawan Food – What You Should Eat!” continues on our Okinawan food journey. Kiki suggests some of her favorite Okinawan dishes and also gives you a brief history of the dish! Want to learn more? Head on over to The Travel Girl!
Okay so we’ve covered food and if that hasn’t piqued your interest then maybe the sights will. Though I’m pretty sure I’ve caught your attention by now haven’t I? (hehe)
Food is definitely one route into exploring and experiencing the culture of a foreign place but on your trip you have to plan some exciting trips and activities! This article by The Broke BackPacker suggests fun trips for you and your family from the beach to nightly activities to historic sights!
Of course there are more than 17 things to do in Okinawa. So without further ado I now present to you (drumroll please)…..”101 Things to Do in Okinawa, Japan”! Here is a fun list of cultural attractions, parks, gardens, outdoor activities, fun places for shopping and eating and also a list of islands to explore! And with their list of festivals you can even better plan your trip if you want to experience something specific!
And last but certainly not least, A Side of Sweet’s “12 Things to DO in Okinawa Japan” not only adds some sights to our endless list of sights but also gives a little travel advice in between. You may even find some unique activities and places!
Photo Credits: Stefanie Akkerman Unsplash
So what do you think? Will Okinawa be on your bucket list or even better your next adventure?
Feature image by Sho K on Unsplash